Massively Multiplayer Virtual Environment (MMVE) Forum

Call for Papers MMVE 2010

The recent growth and popularity of online virtual worlds such as Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) have spawned surging interests for the development and research of novel platforms for next-generation virtual worlds.

In addition to the existing RPG-style MMOGs (World of Warcraft, Lineage, and Everquest), social games (Second Life,, and teen games (ToonTown, Hobbo Hotel, and Barbie Girls), new ideas based on user-generated content, web services, and peer-to-peer technologies are creating new models for virtual worlds that may host millions of people or be as numerous as the websites today.

It is in this spirit that some researchers and developers interested in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments (MMVEs) have gathered in an affiliated workshop of IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 ( Participants from the workshop felt that a forum should be created for the continuing discussions, documentations, and formalizations of the various issues, requirements, and potential solutions in creating a true 3D Internet sharable by all, or the future virtual world commonly known as The Metaverse.

Unlike the industrial and marketing documentation project Meterverse Roadmap that seeks to define and formulate the roads ahead from a user experience and marketing perspective. The MMVE project looks more at the technical requirements and potential techniques for realizing the Metaverse, and intends to be open for all participants, while documenting the discussions and thought processes in publicly accessible archives.

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which you're welcome to take a look

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